White Tea Shot

A White Tea Shot is a popular, light, and refreshing mixture made with vodka, peach schnapps, sour mix, and a squish of lemon-lime soda. The drink is smooth and slightly sweet, with a hint of sharpness. This tea often compared to the Green Tea Shot but is slighter, making it a great option for those who prefer a lighter taste

What is White Tea Shot

Tea is an important part of every morning, evening and friends or family gathering. Tea lovers are everywhere. All types of tea are made from the same tea plants but the process of treating leaves differs. The least grown youngest unopened leaves and flower buds are selected from branches to prepare white tea shots, then dried immediately to stop extra oxidization. White tea shots are slightly stronger than regular white tea. It has a subtle yet refreshing taste and can be served as a hot or cold brew. This tea is a great addition to the regular diet with amazing health benefits.

Types of White Tea Shot

White tea shots are popular mixtures made with vodka, schnapps, peach and sour mix. White tea shots vary according to the type of white tea. Some popular types of white tea are Silver Needle, White Peony and Mudan. All these types have different flavors and scents and providing you a variety to choose according to your taste. Variations include adding flavors for a twist.

How to prepare white tea shots?

This tea is easy to prepare. If you want to enjoy the subtle taste of a white tea shot follow the steps carefully. This tea is the least oxidized. To prepare the best white tea shot use one teaspoon per shot. Boil water in a pot and leave to cool slightly then add tea leaves and white tea buds and leave to steep for 3 minutes. Serve with honey and lemon.

Health Benefits Of White Tea Shots

This tea is full of antioxidant properties and other compounds that are good for health. Let’s explore how incorporating white tea into your diet can enhance your health and life.

Rich in antioxidant properties

This tea possesses a great amount of antioxidant properties. By drinking white tea regularly, you can be protected from potential diseases caused by inflammatory objects. Excessive free radicals can cause high inflammation and an altered immune system and regular use of white tea shots reduces this risk.

Weight-loss Properties

White tea shots are rich in catechins and caffeine that tend to stimulate and regulate weight loss by boosting metabolism and suppressing diet. It improves metabolism by 5% and supports digestion which supports weight loss.

Boosts skin cell repair and natural glow

The regular use of these tea shots can help you improve the immune system and ultimately reduce inflammation in the skin. It repairs skin cells and may help you keep your skin smooth and healthy. With its powerful compound of antioxidants.

diabetes and insulin resistance

White tea shots are very beneficial for overall body health. Our body produces a certain amount of insulin which is required for proper functioning. Regular intake of this helps to produce the right level of insulin and protect from type 2 diabetes. It is rich in polyphenols that may help to reduce the risk of insulin resistance. It also prevents high blood sugar levels.

advance white tea

Protects against osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones get weaker and sometimes lead to fractures. It is a painful disease that can cause multiple problems. According to research the catechin compounds in these tea shots might help to protect the bones. These compounds might encourage bone growth and eliminate bone-harming cells. However further investigation is required.

One of the best anti-aging solutions

Aging is a point of concern for many of us. Our daily hectic routine, stress and tensions accelerate the aging process in this scenario we should add some source of age-controlling components. white tea shots are supper active source of anti-aging components. It may help to boost the production of collagen and increase natural elasticity in the skin. It reduces skin sagging.

Promotes Soothing feeling

This tea is an effective source of boosting mood and incorporating soothing feelings. It is rich in L-theanine which taps into the brain power and leaves a positive impact on the mind by inducing calmness. That is why this tea is the most effective morning and evening beverage. Next time when you feel tired try a white tea shot to feel relax.

Anti-cancer properties

Out of 6 deaths 1 is because of cancer. Continuous research has conduct all over the world to find ways to reduce the risk of cancer. In a double test tube study, it was found that these tea shots have a positive effect on restricting cancer cell production. Its strong antioxidant properties protect normal cells from getting oxidized and abnormal growth.

Precautions To Use White Tea Shot

White tea shots are full of health benefits. But it has caffeine and if you are super resistant to caffeine then these shots are not suggested for you. Moderation is recommended for all. It is helpful in weight loss but its excessive use can be harmful.