Twisted Tea

Twisted Tea offers a refreshing, flavorful alternative to beer, combining the taste of iced tea with a slight alcoholic kick. It’s light, easy to drink, and perfect for social gatherings or relaxing moments.

Benefits of twisted tea

Tea is a traditional beverage that is commonly served hot. But there are some other types of tea as a beverage that are better when served chilled. It is a cold tea, available in cans that you can carry with you for the perfect picnic.

It is important to know the ingredients of your drink in addition to the taste of it. Unlike other tea types, twisted tea is high in sugar and contains a mild alcohol ratio. It also includes a moderate amount of carbohydrates along with sugar, which is why it has many calories. For cold tea lovers, twisted tea is available in many flavors including original/basic, raspberry, blueberry, peach, etc. This tea is available in a 12-ounce drink cane.

ice twisted tea

Health Benefits of Twisted Tea

best tea

Antioxidant properties

One benefit of twisted tea is its antioxidant properties. It works as an active antioxidant and prevents cell damage. It slows down or prevents the oxidation process in cells and helps in reducing the risk of cancer. Its antioxidant properties help the body fight against bad foreign bodies and stop the abnormal growth of cells.

It is a completely fat-free drink

If you are fat-conscious and take count of your calories then it is good news for you that twisted tea is fat-free. So, there is no risk of cholesterol dysregulation by drinking this tea.

Low sodium content

As compared to other cold drinks and some artificially flavored beverages it is low in sodium content. In a 12 ml serving, there is 5gm-10gm sodium in it that varies from flavor to flavor.

Low caffeine beverage

Though it is made of brewed black tea it contains very less amount of caffeine in it.  One serving contains only 5gm-10gm caffeine which is significantly less as compared to 8oz serving of black coffee.

Completely gluten-free drink

It is a treat for patients with celiac disease as it is a 100% gluten-free drink. The manufacturing protocols are set to keep it safe from any gluten product.

Potential Risks Of Taking Twisted Tea

Alcohol content: 5% ABV

Its regular 12 oz serving is available in different flavors. The original dink ingredients include lemonade and alcohol which is like a typical beer. Taking two or more cans can make you tipsy if you are not a regular drinker.

High sugar content

This beverage is much sweeter as compared to other tea or beverages, it contains high fructose corn syrup. According to research, one serving of fructose syrup contains 24 grams of sugar. Regular intake of this drink may result in obesity, weight gain, high risk of type 2 diabetes and other heart diseases.

Comparison With Black Tea

Compared to regular black tea, twisted tea has less caffeine content but it has alcohol. Though both have antioxidant properties black tea is healthy and more beneficial. Black tea has more caffeine that stimulates brain cells and activates the central nervous system without damaging the nerve cells. The high sugar content and alcohol in twisted tea are not good for health. If you want to add twisted tea to your diet then you must consult your dietitian for this.



For twisted tea lovers, it is mandatory to observe moderation to keep enjoying the favorite drink while keeping mind and body health maintained. Due to the alcohol content and high sugar in this drink, high intake can lead to severe health problems.


Individuals who love carbonated drinks can drink carbonated water or low-sugar soda as a less harmful alternative. Otherwise, Water with natural flavors like lemon or cucumber can be used as a healthy and refreshing alternative drink. Black tea, green tea or different types of herbal tea can be classic examples of beverages that can compensate for caffeine requirements and protect from the hazard of high sugar intake.

tea for wight loose

Regular fitness routine and exercise

 It Is important to keep your sugar and alcohol intake in control for a balanced life. To enjoy the taste of twisted tea it is important to take it in a moderate amount and also follow regular fitness and exercise routines so you can keep yourself safe from the negative impact of the sugary drinks.

Twisted tea is a beverage prepared from thoroughly brewed black tea, alcohol, high sugar content and different flavors. It tastes best when served cold. Moderate intake with regular exercise can reduce the negative impact of this drink. It has low carb, low sodium and caffeine content that make it able for people sensitive to these ingredients.